Events and Satsangs

We meet every month for Satsang with Live Music and Veggie Potluck! We usually begin with the Potluck and enjoy each others company while eating. This is time for us to greet old friends and catch up on each other’s life’s. After eating we move for meditation, the format of meditation is very simple, the band plays live music to help us go deep into relaxation and helps us be ready to receive what the Mystic Osho has to say in the Video Discourse. There is around 40 minutes of live music with silence in between to put us to total relaxation. After that a discourse is played which takes our consciousness to the next level. The energy towards the end of the Satsang is absolutely ecstatic and we dance our way till the end on lovely Rock and Roll music.

Most friends come for the Potluck and few prefer to join us directly for the Meditation. It is really to suit your personal situation.

If you plan to attend the vegetarian potluck, Please bring an abundant amount of food. If you are in a couple really bring extra generous amounts. We have had great potlucks since people are now bringing enough food and are putting some energy into what they bring. It doesn’t matter if you cook it yourself or buy it – just imagine you are helping to create a feast!

For schedule please take a look at the calendar!

Occasionally there are many events offered at the center like Thanksgiving Meditation, New Years Eve Celebration, Special Meditation events, Memorial events etc..Please check our Events schedule for details.